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Freelance 3d Artist
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Danny Dullahan - VRChat Avatar
Mia - Social Distance Character
Jake - Social Distance Character
Capper - My Little Pony: The Movie
Discord - My Little Pony: Guardians of Harmony
Princess Luna Toy Sculpt - My Little Pony: Guardians of Harmony
The Moonlight Lounge - VRChat World
CAT-6 VRChat Avatar
Overwatch Fan Art - Maximilian
Shadowhawk - SHD-2H Miniature sculpt
Griffin - GRF-1N
Battlemaster - BLR-1G
Rifleman - RFL-3N Miniature Sculpt
Locust - LCT-1V Miniature Sculpt
Juliano - JLN-5A Miniature sculpt
Warhammer - WHM-6R miniature sculpt
Marauder - Mad-3R Miniature sculpt
Orca - OC-1X Miniature Sculpt
Gun - GN-20 Miniature Sculpt
Stalker II - STK-9A Miniature Sculpt
Rifleman III - RF-2A Miniature Sculpt
Poseidon - PSD-V2 Miniature Sculpt
Marauder - MAD-52 Miniature Sculpt
Taz Fanart
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